Current Happenings


Looking for Professional Development?

MEA is offering the 40 hour ESE/Reading Course.

Flyer providing information about Professional development, ESE and Reading Course.
Scan or click the picture to registration for one of 22 slots available.


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We are under attack!

Watch this news story to see from whom?


Why are we under attack?



Current Instructional Unit Contract. 

MEA CBA 2022-2025.pdf








New Member Benefit

(A union member EAP)

Union First Member Benefit
Union First #2
Union First #3
Why Join MEA?
A Voice On The Job

Union workers have the right to negotiate with their employer over wages, hours, benefits and working conditions. Without a union, management makes all the decisions alone.

Strength In Numbers

Union workers negotiate and organize for improvements as a unified group instead of as individuals. When we work together, this collective force translates into more power and a better chance of getting our voices heard.

Protection & Support

Union workers need the assurance that our workplace rights, including health and safety conditions, are being upheld and monitored and ensure the ability to challenge any unfair or questionable decisions or action.


Union workers join, not because we’re against our employer, but because we want to improve our jobs by joining with co-workers to gain greater respect and control over our worksite and employment.

Latest News

ORLANDO — Delegates to the 2021 Florida Education Association (FEA) Delegate Assembly reaffirmed the statewide union’s leadership on Friday, Oct. 15. President Andrew Spar, Vice President Carole Gauronskas and Secretary-Treasurer Nandi Riley were re-elected by acclamation at FEA’s annual conference in Orlando.
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The reports of severe staffing shortages in our schools keep coming. In districts throughout the state, there aren’t enough people to teach, transport, feed and otherwise care for Florida’s students. At the start of August, the Florida Education Association (FEA) counted nearly 9,000 advertised vacancies in our public schools. The vacancies should have decreased by half or more by October, but a recent recount showed they have edged up ...
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