MEA is your union. As a union we negotiate our contract. The more you are a part of your union the more we can improve our work conditions and salaries. By definition a union is that which is united or made one; something formed by a combination or coalition of parts or members. The United States of America are often called the Union. The Marion Education Association is a coalition of Teachers, Student Service Managers, ESE Specialists, Content Area Specialists and more working together in improving our work conditions.
Protection of Your Rights
Hiring of an attorney for a job-related concern can easily cost thousands of dollars. Your MEA membership provides professional representation for all these issues and more.
Grievances at hearings and appeals
Payroll Errors
Administrative Harassment
Illness in the Line of Duty
Injury on the Job
Constitutional and Statutory Rights
Student Assaults
Student Discipline Issues
Health & Safety Issues
Parent & Student Complaints
Any other issue which may arise as a result of a member's performance of his/her duties and responsibilities as a School Board employee
* Must be a member prior to an incident to utilize. *